Exeter - the new California?

World heart day
It's World Heart Day and the British Heart Foundation are encouraging us to make heart-healthy choices at home and at work. Whether it be getting active, reducing stress or eating a healthier diet, these lifestyle changes can help reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The website has lots of great advice and tips and if we only adopt one thing then we are making a start to help our heart.
Ben's just come back from San Francisco and he was full of the California lifestyle. He brought back Seaweed snacks and gluten fee, fat free, sugar free Pomegranate 'hard candy' much to the children's disgust although they forgave him when he revealed the San Francisco Giants merchandise - baseball hats and enormous foam fingers all round!
Not one to usually benefit from a trip abroad (I mustn't be ungrateful for the various 'last chance to not mess up - duty free' gifts I have received in the past) I was particularly pleased with my Jawbone Up3 Tracker that apparently Ben had bought me for Christmas but then realised he hadn't bought me anything else so had to give it to me now - result!! It's actually rather good and I am slightly obsessed with it still and that's a week after I got it. There are various devices out there to choose from but I like this one because it isn't too obvious to look at, it was really easy to set up, it tells me if I have had a good night's sleep and sets me little challenges to keep me motivated. It also vibrates if I sit still for too long amongst other very clever things.
So on World Heart Day the British Heart Foundation wants us to get active, reduce our stress levels and eat more healthily. My Up is ensuring I am doing over 12000 steps a day and drinking 8 glasses of water, the sun is out which has got to reduce stress levels surely and I had beetroot soup for lunch - how smug am I? Perhaps Exeter is the new California.