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Mr Motivator and his long lost six pack

OK so all the talk about ice cream and after school treats made me realise that I wasn't just talking about them I was 'monitoring' them so to speak. Well, not really monitoring, more keeping the children company by consuming them and that's not good. More importantly by encouraging it I was setting a rather bad example.

We want to help our patients live longer by looking after themselves

We want to educate everyone about how nasty gum disease is and what effect it has on our bodies (it's not just us - the European Federation of Periodontology are trying to get the message across as well) so we have a Dietitian and a Wellbeing Coach on hand. All our new patients have a mini health check at their first appointment where we check their blood pressure, BMI, blood sugar and give them an indication of their likelihood of having a stroke or heart attack in the next 10 years using a tool called the Q Risk - you can see where this is leading can't you? I nipped in to the Consultation Room and did a quick mini health check whilst no one was looking. I'm pleased and relieved to report that my Q Risk was exceptionally low at present (although the great thing about it is that you can adjust your age etc and see the results for 10 years time if you carry on the way you are and that is a bit more frightening). Anyway the long and short of it is that my BMI is a bit high as is my blood sugar both which indicate I could be heading towards pre-diabetes if I don't take better care of myself. I am on a mission and as if by magic when I was just trying to justify starting the diet tomorrow and deciding to wait until it stopped raining to go out for a bike ride, an email appeared. It's from the nice people who organised Dry January (which I managed until the 21st when some friends turned up with a bottle of champagne to celebrate the practice opening and it would have been rude not to have had a glass or two - thanks Mel!) and is called the "Six Pack Swap".

Once upon a time

Ben used to have a six pack when he was in Her Majesty's Royal Navy working with the Royal Marines but alas it hasn't been seen for a long time so I'm thinking of getting him involved too - a sort of 'Mr Motivator' for me although I'm not quite sure what we are signing up to yet. I think it's all about giving up alcohol for 30 days and as Mel's Birthday (which will obviously involve more champagne) isn't until the 8th August we should have just enough time to sort our six packs out - watch this space!!

Chrissy Still
Chrissy Still
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